Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chains (Level 1)

1 £250.00
2-10 £240.00
11-20 £230.00
21-50 £220.00

Online Programme & Course details

Study and Research 20 hours
2-3 Hours Per Day over 5 Days
Audio & Visual Daily Tutored Daily Zoom Course Interaction - 60 Minutes per day
Candidate Research & Review Daily in Arrears.
Endorsed Certificated:
Multiple-choice questions: No (1 day course also available)

For the following tasks you are permitted to use phones or computers to access the internet.

  • Introduction to The Supply Chain
  • Documents used in Business
  • Problem Solving
  • The Supply Chain
Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, men, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to platform increases reach, helping cohorts Nationally.

Achievement and Measurement

Clients will complete an action plan based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the client’s local JCP office depending on the work plan.