GDPR e-learning Short Course

1 £17.00
2-10 £16.00
11-20 £15.00
21-50 £14.00

Online Programme & Course details

GDPR e-learning Short Course is designed to help your organisation navigate the introduction of the GDPR. It covers all the essential information on how GDPR affects your business. It is ideal for employees in busy workplaces who need to get up to speed quickly with the requirements of the GDPR.

What the GDPR is, and how it affects how your business collects data

  • The principles behind how you should process client data
  • The rights of individuals over their data, including subject access requests and the right to be forgotten
  • The GDPR requirements for your organisation
  • What data and personal data is
  • Data breaches and penalties
Ideal for employee inductions, existing staff at an introductory level, and low-risk food handlers. The course can also be used as part of the on programme element of the new apprenticeship standards, and can support the knowledge, skills and behaviours apprentices need to effectively integrate into the workplace. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, men, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. The online platform increases reach, helping cohorts Nationally.

Achievement and Measurement

Clients will complete an action plan based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the client’s local JCP office depending on the work plan.