Work | Be Inspired Training Ltd Tue, 29 Dec 2020 15:26:46 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Work | Be Inspired Training Ltd 32 32 COVID-19 Secure for Retail course Sat, 12 Dec 2020 17:12:04 +0000

COVID-19 Secure for Retail course

1 £17.00
2-10 £16.00
11-20 £15.00
21-50 £14.00

Online Programme & Course details

COVID-19 Secure for Retail course Returning to work and continuing our way of life is a growing concern among many people in these difficult times. We have developed our COVID-19 Secure for Retail course to help protect your staff and give them the confidence to carry out their daily duties while knowing how to prevent infection within a retail environment.

  • Areas covered
  • This course covers all the areas in our COVID-19 Secure for Offices course plus the following dedicated content.
  • Working with customers
  • Handling goods
  • Fitting rooms
  • Handling money
  • POS
  • Managing queues
Ideal for employee inductions, existing staff at an introductory level, and low-risk food handlers. The course can also be used as part of the on programme element of the new apprenticeship standards, and can support the knowledge, skills and behaviours apprentices need to effectively integrate into the workplace. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, men, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. The online platform increases reach, helping cohorts Nationally.

Achievement and Measurement

Clients will complete an action plan based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.

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COVID-19 Secure for Offices Sat, 12 Dec 2020 17:11:02 +0000

COVID-19 Secure for Offices

1 £17.00
2-10 £16.00
11-20 £15.00
21-50 £14.00

Online Programme & Course details

COVID-19 Secure for Offices Returning to work and continuing our way of life is a growing concern among many people in these difficult times. We have developed our COVID-19 Secure for Offices course to help protect your staff and give them the confidence to carry out their daily duties while knowing how to prevent infection within an office environment.

Areas covered

  • Coronavirus
  • Risk assessment
  • Getting to work
  • Common areas
  • Working with customers and colleagues
  • Cleaning
  • Face and body coverings
  • Handling deliveries
  • Accidents and incidents
  • Raising concerns
Ideal for employee inductions, existing staff at an introductory level, and low-risk food handlers. The course can also be used as part of the on programme element of the new apprenticeship standards, and can support the knowledge, skills and behaviours apprentices need to effectively integrate into the workplace. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, men, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. The online platform increases reach, helping cohorts Nationally.

Achievement and Measurement

Clients will complete an action plan based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or  courses to attend in consultation with the clients local JCP office depending on the work plan.

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Team Working Sat, 12 Dec 2020 17:06:04 +0000

Team Working

1 £17.00
2-10 £16.00
11-20 £15.00
21-50 £14.00

Online Programme & Course details

Working towards a common goal is vital in establishing a positive company culture and ensuring business objectives are met. Teams in the workplace take many forms and sizes, but should always be bound by common objectives so that they work together to achieve a successful outcome. Working as part of a team – along with relationship building and effective communication - is therefore integral to a business’s success.

e-learning Short Course in Team Working is designed to help your organisation understand the importance of good communication.

  • Learners on the course will learn what teamwork is, and the different types of team and group personalities.
  • It will equip learners with the tools to build effective relationships, highlight positive and negative characteristics and what motivates a team.
  • Finally, learners will understand the importance of self-analysis, reflection and the importance of feedback that ultimately leads to effective and efficient teamwork.
Ideal for employee inductions, existing staff at an introductory level, and low-risk food handlers. The course can also be used as part of the on programme element of the new apprenticeship standards, and can support the knowledge, skills and behaviours apprentices need to effectively integrate into the workplace. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, men, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. The online platform increases reach, helping cohorts Nationally.

Achievement and Measurement

Clients will complete an action plan based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the client’s local JCP office depending on the work plan.

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Stress Management Sat, 12 Dec 2020 17:02:15 +0000

Stress Management

1 £17.00
2-10 £16.00
11-20 £15.00
21-50 £14.00

Online Programme & Course details

Stress Management Short Course is designed to help you understand work-related stress. The course will help you to understand what stress is, the common stressors and causes and the various strategies to manage work-related stress. The course covers the importance of personal resilience and how this can help you to cope with stress, and finally will help you learn the steps to carry out a risk assessment for work-related stress.

Defining stress

  • The causes of stress at work
  • Effects of stress on job performance
  • Strategies for managing stress
  • Stress reduction
  • Stress and the law
  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
  • HSE’s management standards
  • Risk assessment for work-related stress
Ideal for employee inductions, existing staff at an introductory level, and low-risk food handlers. The course can also be used as part of the on programme element of the new apprenticeship standards, and can support the knowledge, skills and behaviours apprentices need to effectively integrate into the workplace. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, men, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. The online platform increases reach, helping cohorts Nationally.

Achievement and Measurement

Clients will complete an action plan based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the client’s local JCP office depending on the work plan.

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Managing Conflict Short Course Sat, 12 Dec 2020 16:53:59 +0000

Managing Conflict Short Course

1 £17.00
2-10 £16.00
11-20 £15.00
21-50 £14.00

Online Programme & Course details

In order to reduce the risk of threatening or abusive behaviour in the workplace, it is vital to know how to effectively and confidently diffuse such situations. This e-learning is designed to equip your organisation with the skills and confidence required to effectively handle conflict situations.

What is workplace conflict?

  • Responses to conflict
  • Cultural differences
  • Different ego types
  • Breakdowns in communication
  • The behavioural cycle
  • The PEACE model
  • Conflict with customers
  • The HEAT technique
  • Patterns of behaviour
  • Distance zones
  • Physical conflict warning and danger zones
  • Impact factors
  • The BAP strategy
Ideal for employee inductions, existing staff at an introductory level, and low-risk food handlers. The course can also be used as part of the on programme element of the new apprenticeship standards, and can support the knowledge, skills and behaviours apprentices need to effectively integrate into the workplace. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, men, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. The online platform increases reach, helping cohorts Nationally.

Achievement and Measurement

Clients will complete an action plan based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the client’s local JCP office depending on the work plan.

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GDPR e-learning Short Course Sat, 12 Dec 2020 16:51:15 +0000

GDPR e-learning Short Course

1 £17.00
2-10 £16.00
11-20 £15.00
21-50 £14.00

Online Programme & Course details

GDPR e-learning Short Course is designed to help your organisation navigate the introduction of the GDPR. It covers all the essential information on how GDPR affects your business. It is ideal for employees in busy workplaces who need to get up to speed quickly with the requirements of the GDPR.

What the GDPR is, and how it affects how your business collects data

  • The principles behind how you should process client data
  • The rights of individuals over their data, including subject access requests and the right to be forgotten
  • The GDPR requirements for your organisation
  • What data and personal data is
  • Data breaches and penalties
Ideal for employee inductions, existing staff at an introductory level, and low-risk food handlers. The course can also be used as part of the on programme element of the new apprenticeship standards, and can support the knowledge, skills and behaviours apprentices need to effectively integrate into the workplace. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, men, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. The online platform increases reach, helping cohorts Nationally.

Achievement and Measurement

Clients will complete an action plan based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the client’s local JCP office depending on the work plan.

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Equality and Diversity Sat, 12 Dec 2020 16:48:37 +0000

Equality and Diversity

1 £17.00
2-10 £16.00
11-20 £15.00
21-50 £14.00

Online Programme & Course details

Equality and diversity’ is about avoiding discrimination and ensuring that there is equal opportunity for all stakeholders, in turn leading to a positive company culture and better staff engagement levels. This short e-learning course is designed to help your organisation understand the importance of a culture of opportunity for all and teaches learners what is meant by the term equality and diversity, as well as the consequences of inequality.

What is meant by the term ‘equality and diversity’

  • Consequences of inequality
  • Human rights
  • The Equality Act
  • Inclusive and exclusive models of society
  • Promoting inclusion • Creating fairer workplaces
Ideal for employee inductions, existing staff at an introductory level, and low-risk food handlers. The course can also be used as part of the on programme element of the new apprenticeship standards, and can support the knowledge, skills and behaviours apprentices need to effectively integrate into the workplace. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, men, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. The online platform increases reach, helping cohorts Nationally.

Achievement and Measurement

Clients will complete an action plan based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the client’s local JCP office depending on the work plan.

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Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Short Course Sat, 12 Dec 2020 16:43:07 +0000

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Short Course

1 £17.00
2-10 £16.00
11-20 £15.00
21-50 £14.00

Online Programme & Course details

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Short Course is designed to ensure that users of DSE set up their work stations effectively and ergonomically, avoiding the health risks associated with their use. Learners undertaking this course will learn what DSE is, the health risks associated with its use, how to use DSE appropriately and the importance of correct posture and regular breaks. Finally, the course will outline the kind of support employers should provide for users of DSE at work.

  • What is DSE?
  • DSE health risks
  • Workstation design
  • Correct working position for DSE
  • Portable equipment
  • Identifying risks and safe working practices
  • Eye tests and eyewear
  • Assessing DSE
Ideal for employee inductions, existing staff at an introductory level, and low-risk food handlers. The course can also be used as part of the on programme element of the new apprenticeship standards, and can support the knowledge, skills and behaviours apprentices need to effectively integrate into the workplace. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, men, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. The online platform increases reach, helping cohorts Nationally.

Achievement and Measurement

Clients will complete an action plan based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the client’s local JCP office depending on the work plan.

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Effective Communication Sat, 12 Dec 2020 16:36:57 +0000

Effective Communication

1 £17.00
2-10 £16.00
11-20 £15.00
21-50 £14.00

Online Programme & Course details

Effective communication in the workplace is integral to a company’s culture and business success. Whether it’s face-to-face verbal communication in the office, or nonverbal communication like a quick email to a customer, getting the right message to the right person can be vital. Good communication can mitigate conflict and improve engagement among employees. It can also create better relationships, both internally and with customers, that result in a more talented, productive workforce.

  • The e-learning Short Course in Communication is designed to help your organisation understand the importance of good communication.
  • Learners on the course will learn what communication is, the different types of communication and the importance of context in communication.
  • It will equip learners with the tools to identify barriers to communication and how to overcome them.
  • Finally, learners will understand the importance of effective communication in the workplace and the potential consequences of ineffective communication.
Ideal for employee inductions, existing staff at an introductory level, and low-risk food handlers. The course can also be used as part of the on programme element of the new apprenticeship standards, and can support the knowledge, skills and behaviours apprentices need to effectively integrate into the workplace. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, men, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. The online platform increases reach, helping cohorts Nationally.

Achievement and Measurement

Clients will complete an action plan based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the client’s local JCP office depending on the work plan.

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First Aid at Work Sat, 12 Dec 2020 16:30:31 +0000

First Aid at Work

1 £25.00
2-10 £20.00
11-20 £15.00
21-50 £14.00

Online Programme & Course details

Legally, employers must provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work. Our First Aid at Work e-learning course gives learners the opportunity to undertake online first-aid training and go on to achieve the level 3 award in first aid at work (RQF) or first aid at work at SCQF level 6.

Understanding the role and responsibilities of a first-aider

  • Assessing an incident
  • Managing an unresponsive casualty
  • Recognising and assisting a choking casualty
  • Managing a casualty – external bleeding and shock
  • Managing a casualty – minor injury
  • Conducting a secondary survey
  • Administering first aid to a casualty with injuries (bones, head and spinal injuries, suspected chest injuries, burns or eye injuries, sudden poisoning or anaphylaxis, or a suspected major illness)
Ideal for employee inductions, existing staff at an introductory level, and low-risk food handlers. The course can also be used as part of the on programme element of the new apprenticeship standards, and can support the knowledge, skills and behaviours apprentices need to effectively integrate into the workplace. Young people, NEETs, carers, 50 plus, men, women and lone parents, ethnic minority groups and people with a need to increase confidence, motivation and self-esteem. The online platform increases reach, helping cohorts Nationally.

Achievement and Measurement

Clients will complete an action plan based on the skills gaps indicated in their assessment that will direct them to the specific resources needed. This will allow them to identify further support or courses to attend in consultation with the client’s local JCP office depending on the work plan.

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